National Nutrient Recovery and Reuse Forum

The NNRR Forum was organized by the International Institute for Sustainable Development with the former Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change (now the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks), Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) and the Everglades Foundation. On March 8 2018, the forum brought together over 80 stakeholders to review current recovery activities in Canada: to identify opportunities for new technologies and programs, to broaden the network of support for NRR and to identify ways to implement adaptive technologies to address P loading to Lake Erie, Lake Ontario and inland lakes. The forum included talks by 18 Canadian and international experts, a panel dialogue and breakout discussion tables. While the forum scope was Nutrients, the primary focus was on Phosphorus.


Four Pillars

1.    Communications, Information and Education

2.    Transportation of Nutrients and Information

3.    Nutrient related Technologies and BMPs

4.    Market Based Incentives


View all forum content, presentations, and video

Please find all presentations from the Forum at the link below.